09 October 2004 - GOSSIP v1.2 released. It fixes a small build error.

24 October 2003 - GOSSIP v1.1 is out! Get it here

Here's a list of CHANGES:
- Code and logic cleanup
- GOSSIP should now always be able to select the newest logfile to relay.
- Extra configurables and command-line options
- GOSSIP tries to reconnect to GO more often. GOSSIP will only
  shout once now, though.
- Configuration file is now parsed decently. Missing or incorrectly spelled 
  configurables are now detected.
- Namebanning is in the works, but GOSA doesn't support it (yet?), so I 
  can't test things. It is and won't be finished unless there's a client I 
  can test it with.
- Logrelaying can be disabled completely
- Handle a login reply GO sends, different from the one I already knew. 
  Thanks Christian!

GOSSIP v1.0.1 is here. It fixes a bug because of which GOSSIP couldn't run. Odd I didn't find it earlier. Anyway, get it here

GOSSIP v1.0 has been released! You can get it here

The Global Operations Server Administrator tool GOSA can be found at http://gosa.bug-clan.de

If you have any problems, questions, whatever, mail me on serkoon at thedarkside.nl.